Solar farm will be built in western NSW
Solar News January 9th, 2011Covering some 200 hectares and generating enough energy to solar power 20,000 homes, the NSW’s first Solar farm will be built in the state in the west.
The approval has been granted by the State Government for the farm at Nyngan, which will see 70 blocks of solar panels installed between one and three metres above the ground, feeding power directly into the grid.
The Planning Minister Tony Kelly said in a statement issued on Sunday that ’Today’s approval of the $300 million project is a milestone in the state’s bid to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions”
The developer of the solar project says that located in a ‘hot and dry’ area, in optimum conditions the farm will have a 100-megawatt capacity, Infigen Suntech Australia.
Energy moves to Nyngan substation.
The farm approved a number of conditions, including the farm is a “minor visual impact” claims landscaping.