Solar Panel Rebate, Solar Power Rebate, Solar Credits Rebates still on – Hurry!
Solar News December 28th, 2010Those willing to install solar power will have to act soon, as few days ago there was an announcement by the Federal Government that the Solar Credits Rebate will be reduced substantially a year ahead of schedule or face paying an extra $1200 for their solar electricity system.
The Solar Credits Rebate is a Federal rebate which represents thousands of dollars towards the upfront investment in your system. This rebate will be reduced from $6200* for a 1.5kW solar electricity system down to $5000* for systems installed after July 1st 2011, a reduction of $1200!
There will be large rush before the rebate ends so if you are considering solar power then this is the best time to order your system to beat the rush, SolarGen guarantee you to install before the deadline and secure these solar power rebates at their highest.
There was an announcement by the Minister for the Environment Greg Combet that the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) multiplier that makes up the Solar Credits Rebate, would be reduced from 5 times to 4 times for any systems installed after July 1st reslting the $1200 drop in the solar power rebate. Those going for Solar electricity systems installed before this date will not be effected by the announcement.
As the Solar Credits Rebate will be reduced by $1200 due in part to the huge uptake of solar panels across Australia and the generous state and territory based solar feed in tariffs available at present.
If we take approximate calculation for 1.5 kw solar electricity system , the system will pay itself in 4 – 6 years period. This variation is due to the difference in local feed-in-tariffs. Once the Rebate is reduced, it will take an extra 2 years to pay for the solar system.
Looking to rise in electricty bill, it is best to buy solar system now and avoid rush to buy in July 2011.
Going Solar? Contact us and we’ll give you a call!