NEW South Wales premier Kristina Keneally has said that the government will offset the proposed electricity rise from 1st July next year. The offset will done by funding Solar Bonus Scheme with the Climate Change fund.  The entire cost of the $1.5 billion solar bonus scheme will be paid by the government till 2016.

The Electricity bills were supposed to go up by $100 next year and NSW government has decided two months ahead of election to offset the price rise. NSW government contribution is estimated $471 million in 2011-2012 for the cost of the Solar Bonus Scheme. Ms Keneally said that government want to provide relief from rising energy cost especially low income earners.

The government will use the Climate Change fund and will scrape rainwater tank rebate. Ms Keneally said that there will be more measures taken by government to cut the prices.

The Premier also said that government is also considering an electricity bill rebate for households earning less than $150,000 a year.