Robertson Hopeful About Solar Power Plant
News November 3rd, 2010The Queensland Government says it would like to see a large solar-power plant built in the state’s north to connect to the proposed Townsville-to-Mount Isa CopperString project.
Minister for Mines and Energy Stephen Robertson says solar technology has improved since previous solar power trials in the state failed.
“It’s been a trial of a solar concentrator,” he said.
“It’s been trialled in both Cloncurry and down in New South Wales.”
“The trials in New South Wales have shown there’s an issue of glare emanating from the solar concentrator which has put this technology in doubt.”
“But I don’t criticise that because that is the nature of early stage research and development.”
Last week, Prime Minister Julia Gillard committed $350 million of funding for a solar plant, if a feasibility study finds the large-scale transmission line viable.
Mr Robertson say the State is considering applying for federal funding to help construct a range of renewable power initiatives in north Queensland.
“We’ve got time over a period of the next five or so years to get respective houses in order to prove up those technologies and decide which is the best way, or best mix to go in terms of combining that CopperString project with one or more different renewable energy technologies,” he said.
Source: ABC News.