The Minister for Energy, Bryan Green, said the Liberal Party’s planned power prices bill was a populist political stunt hiding the fact they still have no long term vision for the future of Tasmania’s electricity industry.

“Make no mistake, the State Government is keenly aware of the impact of rising electricity prices and we are determined to do what we can to ease the financial pain.”

“We have committed to making a submission to the independent Regulator about smoothing any increases and we are establishing an expert panel to conduct a major independent review of the State’s energy industry over the coming 12 months.”

“And the Social Inclusion Unit has begun work on a Cost of Living strategy which will examine all the key factors, including utility prices, that put a stress on household budgets.”

“We are working hard towards long term solutions for those Tasmanians whoa re doing it tougher; we aren’t using their struggles to score political points like the Liberal Party.”

“Mr Hodgman and Mr Gutwein can’t even decide how they should address this problem – one day they want to give relief to residential customers, the next it’s small business and then it’s farmers.”

“And they keep trying to spend money we don’t have. Tihs so-called ‘windfall’ gain of $46 million represents Commonwealth funding that is already committed to Commonwealth projects. It can’t be spent twice.”

“This demonstrates the Liberals fiscal irresponsibility and a complete lack of understanding of the State’s finances.”

“This Government will always do it’s best to support those Tasmanians who need a hand, that’s why we have some of the most generous energy price concessions in the country and we are delivering a further one-off $100 concession.”