PV Solar System
Home Solar News February 16th, 2011Photovoltaic(PV) solar panels are devices that generates electricity directly from sunlight. The power generated by these panels can be used to power electric appliances and lights for home. This power can also be used for industrial purpose as well.
In a grid connected PV system, the excess power which is not used, can be fed back to the electricity grid. Government is also providing solar panel rebate for new systems.
The standalone PV system is used where there is no electricity grid, there are additional components like batteries. In that case, the excess energy is stored in the batteries and used at night time and on cloudy days.
Benefits of a solar power system:
There is virtually no maintenance or servicing costs for a photovoltaic’s plant. Regular cleaning and occasional replacement of micro components is only maintenance for these plants.
As the electricity prices are rising, the cost of installing photovoltaic’s plants are increasingly approaching the prime costs of conventional power generation. The time required to install the large-scale to plant is considerably less due to efficient planning and standardised construction processes.
Solar plants are easily scalable and are the most flexible form of electricity generation.
One MWp of the Solar System installed can save up to 1 ton of CO2 emissions per year.