NSW Tariff Review
Posted by admin on October 21st, 2010The NSW Government announced that as installations under the Solar Bonus feed-in tariff scheme have reached the 50MW total capacity trigger, a review will now be undertaken into the scheme’s performance. There are currently about 30,000 participants in the scheme, which began in January 2010.
Any changes suggested to major features of the scheme (such as the scheme’s period and the tariff rate) would require legislative amendment. Those currently participating in the scheme will not be affected by any changes. Submissions are invited by 30th September 2010.
In a recent media release The Hon. Paul Lynch MP commented on the review saying the Solar Bonus Scheme was established in January to encourage renewable energy, build green jobs and promote renewable energy technology. He said there had been a rapid uptake of the NSW Scheme with about 30,000 households now being paid to feed renewable energy into the electricity grid.
“This is the right time to evaluate the Scheme against its objectives and identify how it can continue meeting the community’s needs,” Mr Lynch said.
Public submissions will be received before 30th September, with the review to be tabled in Parliament towards the end of the next session of Parliament. Mr Lynch said the review by NSW Industry and Investment would look at a range of issues relevant to the Scheme’s objectives.
Under the legislation, a further review must be undertaken by the Attorney-General early next year. Mr Lynch said the important terms of the Scheme, such as its length and tariff rate, were locked into legislation.
“If any changes are to be proposed, the legislation would need to be amended and we are on the record stating that any changes would not be applied retrospectively,” Mr Lynch said. “That means no customers who have already entered the Scheme will be affected by the review,” he said.
Submissions can be emailed to solarbonus.review@industry.nsw.gov.au This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or posted to Solar Bonus Review, Industry and Investment NSW, Level 17, 227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 by the close of business September 30, 2010.