After the success of the 100 Year Water Tank Project Scouts Australia has now requested the Federal Government fund them for the installation of solar panels  on every Scout Hall in Australia. If they get the funds for this project then they will become the first National Scout Organisation in the world to have Scout Halls and campsites that are self-sufficient in both water and energy.

They have a test website at 1st Baden Powell Park Scout Group in Mt Eliza, Victoria, that shows all the details of collecting power consumption and carbon emission reduction data. This data is being collected via a website that has been established to monitor a similar project being undertaken in schools.

The Storm Sustainability, the national organisation who installed the water tanks during the 100 Year Water Tank Project are going to install all solar power panels funded by this project. After the installation of solar panels on the Scout facilities, a new website will be set up to monitor these facilities.

The installation of 1.5 kW solar panels on 1100 Scout facilities will reduce the power consumption by 2,240 mW/h and carbon emissions by 1,990 tonnesCO2-e.* The solar panels will feed into the power grid system when not in use. Scout Groups power bills will be reduced after the implementation of this project as will be paid for their generated power.

Scouts Australia would receive Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and will be able to trade them or use them to pay for the project, depending on the nature of the Government funding.