Warrick Tidswell lives in Redridge, Queensland. He received a Solargen grid solar power system earlier in 2008. “Our objective in purchasing a system was to reduce our household carbon footprint”.

The Tidswell’s believe that climate change will have an impact upon Australia however its severity could be diminished. They also feel that Australians will need to accept and adapt towards a new and changing climate.

They currently pay their energy retailer for ‘green power’ in addition to their grid solar system and their reasons for doing so were independent of each other.

Their solar panel grid solar system provides them with accurate energy production data which they monitor and record.

The Tidswell household consumes 360 kW hours of electricity per Month. Their SolarGen grid solar power system has met their expectations producing 10kW hours of electricity per day. “Having the system has made us more conscious of household usage and more motivated to make savings. Many people ask questions about it and have shown interest, but the cost seems to put most off – even those who can easily afford it”.

In the future, if the Tidswell family decided to relocate, they would purchase a new grid solar system.