Posted by admin on December 20th, 2010
The Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet, and the Parliamentary Secretary, Mark Dreyfus announces $51 million funds in Federal Government grants to make Australian schools more energy efficient.
About 1,226 schools would benefit after receiving grants of up to $50,000 each under the Australian Government’s $420 million National Solar Schools Program.
This announcement of the successful grant recipients of the 2010-11 funding round was done by Mr Greg Combet when he visited West Wallsend High School. West Wallsend High School will receive $50,000 to install a 10 kilowatt solar power system and light switch sensors.
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Posted by admin on December 20th, 2010
There was an announcement on Sunday from the Queensland Government that the ZeroGen “clean coal” project will not be going ahead at this point in time. Till now already $192 million has been spent on the research works out of which Queensland Government has contributed $102 million.
“We had hoped to have a clean coal power station up and running by 2015 but the fact is that the early research has shown us that this is not viable at this time on a commercial scale” said Premier Anna Bligh.
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Posted by admin on December 16th, 2010
The Energy Minister Stephen Robertson said that “Queensland could become home to one of the world’s largest solar power stations”. Mr Robertson on Wednesday announced $100 million to go towards two projects that receive funding under the federal government’s Solar Flagships program.
This program involves the construction of large-scale solar power plants in Australia and four Queensland projects have been shortlisted. Round one includes one large solar thermal station and one solar photovoltaic station.
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Posted by admin on December 16th, 2010
Alice Spring is going to have one of Australia Biggest Solar Power Station. The Total Cost for 1MW solar system project will be $6.6 million. The Project will be installed on three hectares of land and can power 288 homes.
The Solar Station will have 3048 solar mono-crystalline panels , each generating 318 watt and will moves as sun moves across the sky. All the generated electricity will be supplied to Power and Water for 20 years.
Power and Water sustainable energy manager Trevor Horman said the company had been been using smaller solar systems in six remote communities for 20 years, with other systems built or in the works.
“We think this is probably the biggest in Australia,” he said, adding it decided to support the project because it gave the high percentage of renters in Alice Springs a chance to use renewable energy. “The reason why it is happening now is the price of these solar panels is coming within cooee of the cost of gas-fired production,” he said. “Alice Springs is very environmentally conscious. If we want to test anything in the environmental area this is where we will test it out.”
Power and Water charges an extra $1 per week for 10% solar power and $5 per week for 50% and $10 a week for 100% solar power for homes.
Posted by admin on December 15th, 2010
When you decide to go for Solar Power System the first question that arises in our mind is that, how many solar cells would I need in order to provide all of the electricity that my house needs?
SolarGen is always there to answer all your questions.
To calculate how many solar panels you need for a house.
1. Then the answer is that how much Solar Power in your house is consumed in average.
2. Location is crucial in determining how many solar cells are necessary to power a house so you can calculate mean solar days, average rainfall, etc.. This can be calculated by knowing the actual location of the house.
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Posted by admin on December 13th, 2010
Hybrid Harvesting System from Fujitsu Can Generate Electricity From Indoor Lights & Ambient Heat. Previously, dual harvesting of energy was done by combining two different devices. But now Fujitsu has introduced a technique which is able to create a single device that creates electricity from two different sources it will also be more economical to manufacture. The company sees the main use of this device as a way to power medical devices and sensors.
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Posted by admin on December 13th, 2010
The Government of Australia is going to do more Solar Installation Inspections next year. The Inspection will be carried out for Small Generation Units (SGU). The Government will access installations for relevant Australian Standards and other requirements relevant to the creation of certificates for SGU installations.
As per Government Regulations :
It is anticipated that the inspection regime will commence in early 2011. State and territory governments through their respective electrical safety regulations and through the Building Code, are responsible for regulating SGU safety. It is not intended the new inspection regime would impinge on state and territory responsibilities for enforcement. However where information is found during the course of an inspection performed under these new regulations that is relevant to these bodies, this information will be shared with them to inform the operation of their electrical safety regimes.
The regulations also specify the general requirements for inspections, appointments of inspectors, powers of inspectors, reports, declarations by the Regulator to suspend people from designing and installing SGUs and provisions on the review of Regulator declarations.
For Solar Power in Melbourne Visit here.
Posted by admin on December 13th, 2010
The Australian Government has announced regulatory amendments on 8th December 2010 to the Solar Rebates scheme. In one of those changes.
The Solar Credits multiplier is reduced from 5 to 4 from 1 July 2011.
Under the new Solar Power Credit arrangements, a reduced multiplier of four will apply to systems installed from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012. The multiplier will then phase down by one each year as per the original intention of the mechanism, as the cost of installing solar systems is expected to decline further over time.
Changes to the multiplier number will not affect any other aspect of Solar Credits.
- The level of support a system receives under Solar Credits is determined by the date the system is installed.
- Current installations and systems installed before 1 July 2011 will not be impacted by the changes, allowing industry and households time to adjust. This means small generation units (SGUs), which include eligible solar PV systems, and small wind and hydro power generators installed up until this time will continue to receive Solar Credits support with using a multiplier of five.