Solar Panel Installations

Solar energy is one of the cleanest and cheapest ways of generating electricity from renewable energy resources and has become very popular for Australians. The energy generated by solar panel systems can be used to meet the energy requirements of homes, business enterprises and community groups. When you install a solar panel system you can not only slash your electricity bills, you can also dramatically reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.

A good quality solar panel installer will take the time to understand your individual energy usage behavior and will use this information to recommend a solar powersystem which will best suits your needs.Furthermore by using reputable solar installers correct installation of your solar system to both state electrical standards and Clean Energy Council requirements is ensured.Helpful and qualityfocused solar panel installers will streamline the procedure for claiming your rebate, typically this occurs by you assigning such incentives to the installer who then offsets this against your total out of pocket cost. Once you have chosen your solar installer you will be typically helping to lower your electricity and the environment within a month.

If your solar system is generating excess energy, that electricity is then fed back onto the power grid, earning you credits towards your next electricity bill.

At zero cost to you Ezy Solar Quotes will help you find professional, reputable and experienced solar panel installers in your local area, who will then quote you for a solar power system. Our in-depth knowledge and technical expertise have helped over 10, 000 Australians make a wise decision when it comes to choosing a quality solar power installer.

Being your personal guide, we will help you on every step of the way. On the basis of your power requirement and solar panel rebates, we‘ll help you pick up a solar power installer who offers the best price and value. It is also important for you to know as a solar leads broker we do not sell or install solar panel systems.

Acting as your independent solar advocate we work closely with you to ensure that choosing your solar panel installer is as smooth as possible. Ezy Solar Quotes remains with you should you require any advice or assistance during the installer selection procedure.

We provide you up to three quotes of some of the most proficient solar installers operating in your area. We suggest you carefully compare the quotes of each solar panel installer to access the benefits that each company offers before finalizing the installer.

Feel free to contact us to know more on how we can help you find the right solar panel installers. Let us help you enjoy all the tangible and intangible benefits of going solar!!


EZY Solar Quotes organizes up to 3 free quotes on an entire range of solar solutions including solar panels and solar hot water systems from some of the most trusted and reliable solar companies across Australia. The steady hike in the price of electricity has made solar a financial savvier. EZY Solar Quotes enables you to compare the prices, products and quotations of different solar companies ensuring you get the best value for your money.

EZY Solar Quotes, being a reputed broker does not sell anything and as such does not provide price quotations. What we do is pass on the details to the prominent solar companies who then will contact you and offer you their unique price quotes after assessing your solar power needs. We have an extensive network of solar installers and suppliers. We offer our customers 100% free and impartial service.

Solar Panels | Solar Feed-in-tariff | Solar Rebates

Solar panel installation on your property is a wise investment on your part and reaps you plenty of benefits. Not only it helps greatly lessen your electricity bills but also ensures a fixed income in the form of rebates and schemes issued by the government. STCs and Feed-in Tariffs are great way of cutting down your electricity expenses drastically. Feed-in tariffs is the most popular form of rebate offering owners cost-based compensation on the surplus of energy that is fed back into the power grids. Feed-in tariffs varies greatly from place to place and depends upon the size and province of installation.